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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I've been pleading with my mom all day to drive down to the Speedbowl area today just to maybe listen to some of the action unfold with no luck. Other than driving down there and finding out who won the next morning (because sometimes I can't get online at night to find out right after the action's over), how can I get results?
Mandy back. (Sorry for posting as Anonymous, but the computer I'm on and my head are crazy at times. Once I'm back on the downstairs computer, I'll be able to post as a member.)
Anyway, forget my previous statement. I'm too stupid to realize that you guys are going to get the information as it comes. Thank God my mom's at the movies tonight. I can get as much information as I can possibly get.
I'll come back when I know that the first feature's set.
Mandy, Openwheelracer is at the track and says he will call after the first feature has run. So I will open the chatroom as soon as I get the first call and put the news directly there as well as posting as I can. They really got lucky tonight, it was looking very cloudy and miserable this afternoon, but the sun is just going down now and it's a really nice evening down here.
Talk about being an idiot, after having a live chat all last night from Stafford, and posting the results, I never realized that Willie Hardie Jr. was never mentioned in any of the results. There is a post in the Stafford section under last night's results thread asking about him. Do you know anything?
Mandy again. (As Anonymous. Go figure.) Anyway, I can't say what happened to Hardie last night because I don't know what happened. Sorry for not helping...
Anyway, I'm going to try to get into the chat room so I can converse for a change. (Finally...Waterford looks like it's going to happen. I'm so happy! :)) If (and when) the thing loads, I'll be there.
And just to let you know, I can bend my elbow. It just stings a little. And I have a nice bump there, too.