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Team Devin Jones Racing Overcomes Obstacles at Newport Speedway
Devin is One of Three PASS South Drivers to Beat Previous Track Record at Newport
MOORESVILLE, N.C., July 20, 2009 Team Devin Jones Racing, with the help of Chase Pistone Racing, worked hard to overcome motor issues to make it into the Newport Speedway race last Saturday night.
Friday practice at the PASS South race at Newport Speedway started out awesome. We were one of the fastest cars on the track before the last couple sessions were rained out, said Jones.
Then on Saturday, we went out to practice and just two laps into the first round I heard a vibration in the motor and had to pull back into the pits. Chase and Matt removed the valve cover to see that the bolt that holds the valve on had broken. The push rod was okay, and the valve was still good. But to keep going we needed the bolt. No one in the pits had a spare one. So, Matt, Ken and my dad drove into town to see if they could get one from one of the local parts houses. The clock was ticking getting closer and closer to qualifying time and they still couldnt find the right bolt.
Then came our hero of the day. Legends car stand out Blake Joness dad said that he had the part at one of his car dealerships. So Matt and Blakes dad hopped into his bright red Viper sports car and headed to his dealership. Id like to tell you how fast they were going but I dont want to get anyone in trouble. They made it back with the part, and Chase and Matt got it into the car with just one minute to spare before they stopped qualifying.
Jones had never qualified on stickers before, however without any practice rounds the team couldnt scrub in their qualifying tires. Still, Jones qualified his #35 CroftGateUSA/Children's Dream Racer/Custom Canvas/Poppas Hot Dogs Ford in the third place spot, shocking the team and everyone watching. In fact, the top three qualifiers that day posted lap times beating all previous Newport Speedway track records.
On the PASS South redraw for the top 10 qualifiers, Jones drew the 8th starting position and ran in the top six for most of the race. On the last restart, cars got four-wide and Jones smacked the back straightaway wall causing damage to the front right. It was just enough to knock him back from sixth to finish the race in ninth.
After what we had to do to overcome our motor issues, I was very pleased with how our team performed under pressure. Chase, Matt, J.R. and Ken all worked very hard to get the car running again. But to say it again, my hero for the day was Blake Jones dad. A special thank you goes to him for enabling us to make the race.
In his last four Super Late Model starts, Jones has driven his #35 car to three top 10s and one top 5. Jones has also started in the top 10 in all but one race in seven starts in his Super Late Model career.
Jones will be racing next at the PASS South race at Orange County Speedwayon August 8.
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