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Mayfield may have sponsor for Indy? If Jeremy Mayfields injunction against NASCAR is upheld during upcoming court proceedings, he may have a sponsor for the July 26 Allstate 400 at the Brickyardand beyond. In an interview Friday with Full Throttle Autos Online, Robert Craddock, the Florida-based owner of SmallSponsor.com, expressed his confidence in Mayfields innocence despite a failed drug test in May. "How many years has Jeremy been doing this? Has there ever been an indication [of a drug problem] in all those years? Craddock said. I think the answer is no. Craddock went on to call the test completely bogus, citing reports that Mayfield would be dead if he tested positive at the level of methamphetamine NASCAR says he did. To that end, Craddock says hes in very positive discussions with a Fortune 500-level company that would be willing to join SmallSponsor.com as a co-primary sponsor of Mayfields #41 Camry. Even if that partnership didnt develop, Craddock said SmallSponsor.com has funding to support Mayfield. We could definitely support it, but its like everything else, you can never have enough money, Craddock said of his company, which funded Mayfield Motorsports prior to the drivers suspension and for a brief period after J.J. Yeley was put into the car. Bobby Wooten, team manager of Mayfield Motorsports, was noncommittal about Craddocks promises, although he called Craddock a friend of the team and said he was working hard to help put the #41 back on the track. Were waiting for Robert to get everything put together, Wooten said. If he can bring to the table what he says he can, well be more than glad to get out there with him. Craddock says Mayfields suspension has held up big plans for the company, including a national television ad campaign and potentially naming rights to a Cup race at Michigan International Speedway. Theyre shooting the hands that have literally been feeding them, Craddock said of NASCAR delaying his program during a soft sponsorship and advertising climate.(Full Throttle Autos)(7-15-2009)