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Brad Leighton Wins Summer Sizzler 200 at Kawartha Speedway
Peterborough, ON Brad Leighton of Center Harbor, NH captured his second ACT Tour victory of the 2009 season in the Summer Sizzler 200 at Kawartha Speedway in Peterborough, ON. Leighton started on the outside pole with a plus four handicap in ACTs plus/minus system and led until Patrick Laperle took control on lap 27.
Laperle wouldnt hold the lead for long as Randy Potter got by him on lap 56. Potter and Laperle then battled until a caution flag on lap 92 when Potter along with several other cars pitted for fresh tires and gas. Laperle would not be contested again until Joey Pole Polewarczyk, Jr. caught him on lap 113.
Laperle and Pole rubbed fenders until lap 139 when Laperle lost the lead for good. It then appeared that Pole was going to run away from the field until a caution on lap 181 grouped the field back together and brought Potter within striking distance. Pole and Potter then swapped the lead through three more late restarts until it appeared Potter had issues on the lap 189 restart.
Leighton took advantage of Potters mishap and got by Pole for the final lead change on lap 191. Pole would hang on to finish second followed by ACT Tour point leader Scott Payea in third. Karl Allard and Jonathan Urlin finished fourth and fifth. Brian Hoar, Patrick Laperle, Dave Morgan, Brandon Watson and Chip Grenier filled out the sixth through tenth positions.
Leighton scored his first victory of the season at the ACT Tour opener at Lee USA Speedway in April, where he received the first invite to the ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Saturday, September 19th. Therefore the total number of qualifiers remains at eleven.
The ACT Tour has next weekend off but many of them will make the trip to Oxford Plains Speedway for the Oxford 250 on Sunday, July 19th. The next ACT Tour event will be at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway in Scarborough, ME on Saturday, July 25th.
Unofficial ACT Tour Summer Sizzler 200 Results 1.Brad Leighton (55NH) Center Harbor, NH, 2. Joey Polewarczyk, Jr. (97NH) Hudson, NH, 3. Scott Payea (89) Milton, VT, 4. Karl Allard (48QC) St-Felicien, QC, 5. Jonathan Urlin (4) London, ON, 6. Brian Hoar (37) Williston, VT, 7. Patrick Laperle (91) St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, QC, 8. Dave Morgan (70) Buckhorn, ON, 9. Brandon Watson (19) Stayner, ON, 10. Chip Grenier (9VT) Graniteville, VT, 11. Ricky Rolfe (51ME) Albany TWP, ME, 12. Donald Theetge (80) Boischatel, QC, 13. Derek Lynch (15) Warkworth, ON, 14. Dan McHattie (71) Cavan, ON, 15. Pete Vanderwyst (72) St. Thomas, ON, 16. Cole Powell (25) Mount Bridges, ON, 17. John Donahue (26VT) Graniteville, VT, 18. Justin Holtom (17ON) Ottawa, ON, 19. Glen Luce (7ME) Turner, ME, 20. Sylvain Lacombe (3) Terrebonne, QC, 21. Claude Leclerc (11PQ) Lanoraie, QC, 22. Daniel Descoste (2) St-Joseph du Lac, QC, 23. Randy Potter (02NH) Groveton, NH, 24. Pete Potvin (41) Graniteville, VT, 25. Stéphane Descoste (10QC) OKA, QC, 26. Tyler Cahoon (38VT) St.Johnsbury, VT, 27. Mike Sinopoli (8) Courtice, ON, 28. Nick Sinopoli (1) Oshawa, ON, 29. Bryan Mercer (81) Port Hope, ON, 30. Spencer MacPherson (31) Carleton Place, ON, 31. Ryan Kimball (16) Norwood, ON, 32. Tim Kirby (07) Carleton Place, ON, 33. Darragh Moroney (5) Peterborough, ON, 34. Tim Fernandes (77) Peterborough, ON, 35. Eric Chase (40VT) Milton, VT, 36. Brent Dragon (55VT) Milton, VT, 37. Yvon Bédard (67) St.Nicolas, QC.