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Shangri-La II Motor Speedway Race Results (7/5/09)
They averaged the finishes of the twin races and who had the best average won.
MIGHTY MODIFIEDS TWIN 30'S Heat Winners: Ted Christopher, Rusty Smith
FINISH 1. 8 Earl Paules 2. 7 Ted Christopher 3. 3 Darren Scherer 4. 95m John Markovic 5. 34 Rusty Smith 6. 1x Mike Nickels 7. 0 Danielle Bucheck 8. 85 Chris Zacharias 9. 9x Matt Clemens 10 71x Rick Zacharias 11. 71 Jimmy Zacharias
ASA LATE MODELS TWIN 20S Heat Winner: Jim Lamoreaux
FINISH 1. 37 Jim Lamoreaux 2. 17 Ben Reynolds 3. 20 Scott Nurmi 4. 8 Travis Fisher 5. 18 Bill Catania 6. 47 Brian Bowen
STREET STOCKS TWIN 15S Heat Winners: Terry Potrzebowski, Jay Mudra
FINISH 1. 42x Dan Cascioli 2. 72x AJay Potzebowski 3. 42 Derrick Tarbox 4. 24 Chad McDonald 5. 78 Terry Potrzebowski 6. 89 Frank Chapman, Jr. 7. 27 Dylan Terry 8. 16 Jay Mudra 9. 99 Glen Lippolis
SPORTSMAN MODIFIEDS TWIN 30S Heat Winners: Lee Sharpsteen, Rick Zacharias
FINISH 1. 27 Rick Zacharias 2. 4 Charlie Sharpsteen 3. 95m John Markovic 4. 71 Jimmy Zacharias 6. 76 T.J. Zacharias 7. 77 Paul Johnson 8 Earl Paules DQ (finished 1st) 23 Mike Nickels DQ (finished 7th)