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A link to pieces of Shawn Courchesme's article from the Hartford Courant.com:
-- Following the wild finish in the Whelen Modified Tour New England 100 Saturday at New Hampshire, the post race press conference took an odd turn as the top-3 finishers each took their turns chastising the driving style of reigning Modified Tour champion Ted Christopher.
Race winner Donny Lia, who was the only one to come out unscathed from a 3-wide out of the final corner between himself, Christopher and Todd Szegedy, went so far as to use the word "weapon" in his assessment of how Christopher was driving against him during the race.
Lia called out Christopher, for diving bombing too much.
"He did it to me about two or three times in the last few laps," Lia said. "A few years ago people tried to set people up and pass them. Now you just dive bomb and let it just go right up the racetrack and let [the side of the car] do the job."
It was an interesting, if not ironic assessment by Lia, who has a long history of aggressive tactics on the track.
It seems the same tactics Lia called "extremely dangerous" on Saturday were fine to use when he raced to his only victory last year in the Camping World Truck Series. Go back to the video on that event from Mansfield (Ohio) Motorsports Park and one can watch Lia "dive bomb" his way to third and then to second in the same was he described the maneuver on Saturday before he simply just drove right through David Starr to take over the lead in the event.
-- We'll say it, Ed Flemke Jr. left us scratching our heads after hearing what he had to say following his second place finish in the New England 100.
Like Lia and third place finisher Ron Silk, Flemke was critical of Christopher's style at New Hampshire. Flemke also said he backed off coming out of the final corner.
"I just sat back and watched it happen because it wasn't good," Flemke said. "Either you get up there and push with them or you step back. This time I stepped back and it paid off. I'm happy, a second place finish is the best we've finished here."
Last we knew most drivers went to the racetrack to ultimately race for victories. Here was Flemke saying he was in a position to race for the win but consciously made a decision not to. There's long been a struggle for Whelen Modified Tour teams to find good sponsors for their cars. We can't imagine though that any sponsor would be too thrilled hearing their driver say they had a chance to race for the win but decided against it.