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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
isnt it werid we be talking about the halfway point already?????????????
1st things 1st, there is alot of surprises out there this year........ ill try to get to them as fast as we can.........
surprises - how waltrip racing picked up there program, not counting the win by default at lowes on memorial day, but in the standings reuitimann is just outside the top 12 in the driver standings...... mark martin with his crappy start this year came thru with 3 wins to this point and is in the chase if it ended today, the most surprising thing this year is how stewart haas racing picked it up 10 notches from last season, remember the 66 and 70? riggs and sauter? , during the off season that whole operation was gutted with people getting walking papers and new people were put in there spots an look where they are now, both teams are in the top 12........... finally how about the 1st year driver marcos amborse, currently sitting 18th in the standings, that dude knows how to turn left and right
disapointments - 3 letters RCR , every car in that team is sitting outside the top 12 with kevin harvick taking a big plunge of where he was last year and currently sits 25th in the standings........ in the roush camp david ragan, looked good last year and many thought we would emerge this year takes a plunge into 30th in the driver standings....... saving the best for last in this section, dale jr, plunging to 20th in the points, 300 points out of the top 12, hate to say it folks but im thinking that the 88 is done for this year, too many mistakes, too many blown calls in the pits, or missing the pits all together at times, it will take a surge to have him see the top 12..... which i dont see happening anytime soon......
the outlook? - we are gonna see a dominance of hendrick like we have seen in the last 3 years, 48 24 and the 5 looks to be strong thru out the summer strech, joey logano , might pick things up after his 2nd tour<2nd trip> to these tracks, not saying he will win, but i think he will have a better second half of the year, unless things dont change will we still see RCR and dale jr contuine to struggle....... and last, i would not be surprised to see a unlikely driver in the chase this year.............
predictions - here is my top 12 at the end of the summer strech as we get into the chase...... here it is