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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. A great field of cars were on hand 60 Total signed in .
2. Was hoping to see Charlie Bailey III , did not .
3.It was COLD very COLD.
4. The racing was The Good , The Bad and The Ugly . The Good was some of the excellent side by side racing for the lead and throughout the field . The Bad was some of the drivers lack of respect for their fellow competitors , more than one driver was deliberatelty wrecked or spun . The Ugly was the amount of cautions and their lenght . It had to have taken a half-hour to run the last 19 laps of this race .
5.The top 3 drivers were the # 6 of Michaud , the # 10 of Avery and the # 89 of Peyey . I appologize for any misspelling . The # 32 of Cyr dominated much of the event before being spun on the backstrecth past half-way , he had as much as a straightaway lead at times .Most impressive to me was the run by Peyey who was in his first ever ACT Tour race.
The support races were pretty decent although I did not stay for Hobby Stocks . The 350 Supers had a low car count , but the new crate motors seem like a good idea . Roadrunners had a station wagon that ran well. Street Stocks had a very interesting mix of cars .
All in all it was a fun night out with some of The 47 Team including driver and has us very pumped up for our next race on the Whelen Tour
This is just my two cents worth . Take it for what you will and SEE YOU AT THE RACES .
WhelenModified47, Thanks for the update from Lee. We look forward to hearing from all the fans in attendance at are local races. Keep up the great work!
You are very welcome . Just wish I knew some of the drivers a bit better but did my best to remember the top 3 . Im sure the Captains before race time helped with that LOL.
Ahhh yes, Lee Speedway and the captain WM47. I can recall an Octoberfest where a certain Mod driver was " couch sleding" until it came to an "abrupt" end........