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Stewart-Haas to three teams? #14-Tony Stewart is off to such a strong first season as a team owner, he's already open to expansion. The Sprint Cup Series points leader said Friday he'd consider adding a third team to Stewart-Haas Racing next year if the right combination was available. Although he promised his team not to expand too quickly, their success so far this season has made him consider his options. "I wanted to make sure we had two cars that were competitive and had a chance to win a championship," he said Friday at Infineon Raceway. "I'm proud of the fact that I think we're at that point. So if the right situation came along, we would entertain it." Stewart did not offer any potential drivers or sponsors that would pique his interest. Of the current free agents, Brian Vickers is not looking to leave Red Bull Racing and Martin Truex Jr. is widely believed to be headed to Michael Waltrip Racing. That leaves Jamie McMurray as the only driver in a contract year still trying to finalize his 2010 plans. But, Hendrick Motorsports developmental driver Brad Keselowski wants a Cup ride next season and Hendrick doesn't currently have an open seat to offer. Stewart has a technical alliance with Hendrick. Then there's a handful of drivers - Kasey Kahne or Kurt Busch - who would potentially try to negotiate a release from the current contract for the opportunity to join SHR. Kahne and Stewart are both represented by Motorports Management Inc., which typically does not encourage its drivers from breaking their contracts.(Associated Press)(6-20-2009)