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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Devin Jones will race his Children's Dream Racer/Poppas Hot Dogs No. 35 Ford during the Dixie 150 at New Senoia Speedway next Saturday. He is looking to have a good run at the 3/8 mile track following a good test at the Georgia track last weekend.
"New Senoia Speedway is a fun track and it fits my driving style perfectly," said Jones. "It's definately rough on tires and hard to find grip. But, that will make for very interesting racing. Our crew did a great job on test day setting up the car for that particular track. We were fast right out of the trailer. I'm hoping that our speed holds throughout Friday's practice and into racing on Saturday."
Jones will be racing for a new cause this weekend in support of Children's Dream Racer, a non-profit group that provides cars equipped with video games for children who need medical treatments such as chemotherapy or extended respiatory treatments. All funds Devin Jones Racing raises, including his winnings from the Dixie 150, will be donated to Children's Dream Racer to help put more of these life changing racers into children's hospitals across the country.
"Children's Dream Racer is an amazing cause that is changing the lifes of kids in need of medical treatments by making their hospital experience a little more relaxing," said Jones. "We are thrilled to be suporters of this great cause and hope to raise enough money to put more of these cars into hospitals where kids can enjoy them."
Following the Dixie 150 at New Senioa on June 20, Devin Jones Racing will be preparing for the double headder PASS weekend on July 3 and 5.