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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Tonight's feature's are underway with the Limited Late Models going out first. A slim showing again, only 6 cars taking the green for the event. The podium finishers were:
Michael Bennett
Eric Grant
Dan King
The Late Models are up next, with 39 cars showing up tonight! And then there were the SK's with only 20 cars ready to run the feature. The #81, previously driven by Woody Pitkat, one of the obviously absent cars from tonight's entry list.
Live Results will be posted immediately in the chatroom, join us there.
Apparently, the Late Models had a big wreck involving around 12 cars with 10 laps to go, taking out many of the front runners. The Unofficial Podium finishers were:
Ryan Posocco
Jay Stuart
John Warren
The SK's are taking the track now....all 20 of them!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Quick evening and with the threat of rain looming on a chilly night, everyone headed to the coolers by 10:00pm!
The Unofficial Dare Podium results were:
John Hurley
David Gambacorta
Charlie Newman
Thanks everyone who made it to the chatroom for LIVE results as they happened in Stafford.. congratulations to the whole Lloyd Agor crew, great way to start out the season! See you again next Friday night around 9:00pm for live results...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:10, 2005-04-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Only 20 cars ? Perhaps Jack needs to stop throwing people out . Either that or bring back the Wreck I mean Pro Stocks . You would think that the "Home of the SK modified " would actually have a full field of cars .
My takes on the opening Friday night of racing for Stafford's 2005 season (as I was there in person and lived to tell about it):
Limited Late Models: Only six cars? I can see why my mom and I left the track early during the Sizzler. More drivers need to get their cars ready for this upcoming week. I'm not going to sit through half a dozen cars going around the track for 20 laps. That's crazy.
Late Models: Great. Posocco won. Yippee. (I'm 100 percent sarcastic with that previous statement.) I was hoping he'd get sent to the back of the pack, black flagged, or something along the lines of my previous two suggestions. Watch him win the championship again.
SK Modifieds: I'm so glad that Christopher didn't win. (By the way, I was hoping that the runner-up would win, but that's just my opinion. I'll remain speechless on that subject.) But a great top-3, and I can't wait for next week's action.
DARE Stocks: My mom and I left early before this race began, so I got didn't get to see this race go down. But a note about the winner: Last year, he gave me a dirty look because I was wearing a shirt with another DARE competitor's number on it...so I've never liked him since.
So that's the night in the eyes of a 17-year-old racing fan. Maybe I'll give you my two cents about next week's racing highlights...no rain necessary. ;)
Thanks Mandy, for your observations! We love to hear from our members and anonymous users as well. And remember if you ever have to miss the races on a Friday night join us in the chatroom for live results as the checker drops in each division.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!