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Eleven people hurt at race track UPDATE: At least three people were critically injured and eight others were taken to hospitals after two buses crashed into a wall in front of the grandstand at the Columbus Motor Speedway on Saturday night. The crash occurred at about 10:35 p.m. during a Crash-A-Rama event. Witnesses said that it did not seem that the buses were traveling fast at the time of the crash. Firefighters said six of the injured were transported to Nationwide Children's Hospital, while three others were sent to Mount Carmel West Hospital. Two others were taken to Grant Medical Center. The occurred a little over a month after a platform collapsed at the speedway, injuring six people. The extent of injuries to those who were critically hurt was not immediately known. See more at wbns10tv.com and Columbus Dispatch.(5-24-2009)
UPDATE: SPEEDtv's Ray Dunlap drove the lead bus, before getting rammed by the other driver and is OK with no injuries.
AND A co-owner of the Columbus Motor Speedway said he is optimistic that the track will reopen for this weekend's races after a crash injured 12 spectators Saturday night. The wreck left a 5-foot-wide hole in a 4-foot-high concrete restraining wall ringing the speedway. Jeff Nuckles said he hoped a repair crew would fix it this week, in time for the track to host its normal Saturday night stock car races. Two school buses were racing as part of a "Crash-A-Rama" at the speedway in Obetz when one hit the other and both crashed into the wall in front of a grandstand. Flying chunks of the wall hit spectators, although most of the people injured were actually leaning on a fence in front of or at the side of the grandstand, Hamilton Township Fire Chief Jerry Lupfer said. There is a gap of several feet between the wall and the fence. A separate fence rises above the wall to protect spectators from debris flying from the track. Ten of the 12 injured spectators were taken to local hospitals with mostly minor injuries. Six were children. Two people were taken to Grant Medical Center as possible serious trauma cases, but their injuries did not appear to be life-threatening, Lupfer said. None of the spectators' names or conditions was available yesterday.(Columbus Dispatch.(5-25-2009)