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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After two races in the Nascar Whelen Modified Tour a few things seem to be clear .
1. Zach Sylvester means buisness . With two runner - up finishes in a row, victory lane seems to be just around the turn .
2. Chuck Hossfeld and the #50 team will be a contender . "Hot-Shoes" may have his best shot yet at the title . And the #50 team is hungry for title #2.
3. Tony Hirschman will be a factor . He went the distance without pitting at Thompson and faded to 11th, or he just might be leading the points allready . Tony will definitely be one of the title contenders come World Series weekend .
4. This may cause some controversy but ... SOME DRIVERS NEED HELP . There seems to be quite a few drivers on the Tour that forgot where the brake pedal is and their left from their right . Rough driving has wrecked more than a few cars so far , and more cars have been wrecked by drivers failing to miss STOPPED cars . Perhaps some of the blame rest with the spotters , but racing three wide on a 1/2 mile track DOES NOT usually have good results .
This is just my two-cents and opinions are like ... well you know the rest .
-- Edited by WhelenModified47 at 21:23, 2005-04-27
I'm Glad to hear someone agrees . Perhaps you are right about the brakes . It just seems some drivers have had to long of an off season and need to get the reflexes working again . We will see how it goes next race at Stafford .