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Well well where to begin? The SK feature as a whole was awful, wrecked cars galore and between the #29 (Civali) and #13(TC) cars they were the cause of most of them. I still quite dont know what to think about the duel for the win between TC and Civali. As a long time crewmember for various teams over the years, I was pretty much disgusted by their lack of respect for the other competitors around them's equipment (and even their own for that matter) but as a racing purest, I was amazed by both drivers car control, as they pushed and shoved for the victory. I have a little idea for SMS, run a weekly event just for them. Let them try to destroy each other, and let the "fans" hoot and holler and enjoy it, and then the 22 other (and I use this term loosely) "innocent" drivers can race each other in the regular feature without having to deal with them. The Late Model race as per normal was a good race, the usual suspects were up front contending. Jay Stuart looks like he will add to the mix nicely in the #48. TC'S debut in the LM netted him a 2nd place finish, but seems he lost it in tech after the inspectors had "issues" with several things on the car. Dare Stocks also put on a good show. The new Limited Late Model division had a poor showing of cars as only 6 ran the feature. This division might be a little lean the first season or two, (ala the Dare Stocks) but will have full fields in time. The Nema Midget race was highlighted unfortunatley, by a scary looking wreck in turn 1. The Mod Tour race was decent. How about that Zach Sylvester? his second 2nd place finish in a row and the early point leader. Great runs by two perenial Stafford fan favorites, the Reg and Todd Szegedy. Then Tony Hirschman who in the closing laps, put on a "clinic" on how to work lapped traffic that was just absolutley fun to watch on his way to victory. All in all I guess a good day of racing at the 1/2 mile.
Must agree with your comments . Have to say im happy with the T.C. disqualification . Cheating is cheating , no matter who you are . The Whelen race was pretty good , although some drivers need new spotters or to learn where the brake pedal is . And others need to learn that three-wide on a half mile track does not usually work . Hats off to the entire Stafford Motor Speedway staff for sticking out the weather and getting this show in . Lets hope May 27th is a little nicer .
-- Edited by WhelenModified47 at 16:44, 2005-04-28