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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
On June 3rd the True Value Modified Racing Series and Lee USA Speedway will host 40 family members from the New Hampshire Make a Wish Foundation for a fun and exciting night of racing. Bobbi Seuss, team manager for the TVMRS #70 Modified driven by Andy Seuss is heading up organizing this event along with staff from TVMRS and Lee Speedway. This will be the second year Bobbi has organized and hosted this event at Lee Speedway. In 2004 Bobbi helped over 30 families attend a night of racing at Lee Speedway. The TVMRS staff will ask all drivers to sign autograph cards and/or flags to give to the children that night. If any teams, sponsors or individuals would like to volunteer their time or a donation, it would be greatly appreciated. Currently we are trying to locate a company with a special handicap bus in order to give the kids a tour of the track and pit areas. The families will be watching the night of racing from the turn one VIP tower where we will supply snacks, beverages and goodie bags for the families (donations needed and welcomed). The volunteers will also make rounds through the grandstands and pit area to "pass the helmet" to collect funds for the NH Make a Wish Foundation. Anyone who would like more information or would like to volunteer please contact Bobbi Seuss or Michelle Lavigne. Your help is greatly appreciated as we strive to make this a special night for the families.
You can contact Bobbi or Michelle through the emails listed below: