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Apparently, Howie Brode, with complete support from his loyal team of Petro Motorsports, chose to pack up their car and leave Stafford Motor Speedway without running in today's Spring Sizzler's WMT event. Have to give kudos to the whole team for making a stand on the side of caution and not attempting to run today's event. A crew member said, "The infield was way too wet, and we saw what can happen at Thompson. We weren't gonna chance it." Even though there were other teams that agreed it may be unsafe, Brode and team were the only one's to leave for that reason, although other teams agreed and threatened to do so. Other teams suggested that they not leave, and they held their ground, while showing integrity in the ability not to be persuaded to do something they didn't feel comfortable with
Will the team continue it's WMT hopes or join the TVMRS like has been speculated today? Time will tell.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:43, 2005-04-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
As a member of the team, I stood behind Howie's decision. We all know what can happen with wet infields. Howie said he wasnt putting himself or others in danger and opted to leave the track. Whether he comes back only time will tell but at least he stood by his decision and did what he did.... I know there were others who thought it best not to race but did so anyways and there were some who thought how was nuts for leaving. Considering what happened at Thompson and the closeness Howie and his entire team was to that situation, we all felt this was best and the team stuck by him....
While it still makes me sad to think about what happened with Tom Baldwin at Thompson , I do NOT agree with Petro Motorsports decision . But it was their , and only their , decision to make .To me the track and infield were both safe for racing . I hope they think carefully about joining the TVMRS over the Whelen Tour but wish them the best in their future racing adventures .
-- Edited by WhelenModified47 at 17:12, 2005-04-27
At least Howie did what he felt was right.. Alot of people may not understand the decision but when your heart is telling you not to go out there then you don't. He had and will always have the support of his team. There were plenty of other drivers who didn't want to race either they chose to do so... Howie chose not to.
What do you mean to think CAREFULLY about going to the True Value Series over the WMT?
The True Value Modified Racing Series is a great alternative to running the Whelen Modifed Tour , but the money and the caliber of competition are just not comparable . I know a driver who finished poorly at the last Whelen Modified Tour race who made almost ( within a few hundred dollars ) what the winner made at the TVMRS Monadnock race . Howie made the right decision to venture off the Island and compete with the best modified drivers in the country , but I think he will find competing on the TVMRS to be much different . This is just my two-cents worth . Best of luck no matter what you decide .
Oh absolutely . I never meant there was NO talent , just that the level is not the same as the Whelen Tour . I believe given time the TVMRS will become a premiere touring series . All the drivers you mentioned are VERY talented , but some drivers on that tour need a bit more practice . Or at least thats what I gathered after watching the Monadnock race . Howie would certainly be a welcome addition to the TVMRS and if he persues that route I wish him all the best .
-- Edited by WhelenModified47 at 16:29, 2005-04-28
I was at Monadnock too.. It was entertianing. I think the TVMS is more and even playing field then the WMT.... Money wise not talent wise.. If that makes sense...
That makes perfect sense . Almost every team on the TVMRS seem to have the same budget , unlike the Whelen Tour . Like I said before , I see this becoming one of thje premiere racing series in a few years .