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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
While the chatroom is open, no news has come from the track today except to say that the anticipated schedule has already been discarded. The rain lasted well into the morning putting the anticipated schedule already over an hour behind. It is almost 1:00pm and they are getting ready to run the Tour Time Trials. All that was accomplished this morning so far was the Tour Practice. Apparently after the WMT takes time, the NEMA midgets will take the track to complete their event and then on tap will be the SK Feature.
Keep an eye on this thread for LIVE Updates throughout the day on what's happening in Stafford, or come to the chatroom and hear about it as we do!
Well, the Tour Time Trials are finally finished and the SK teams are dragging their equipment into the infield.
Fasted Tour Driver was Donny Lia, followed by Tony Hirschmann, Chuck Hossfeld and Frank Ruocco. These are all prior to redraw.
From a friend in the chatroom...
18 - Donny Lia 48 - Tony Hirschman 50 - Chuck Hossfeld 91 - Frank Ruocco 3 - Todd Szegedy 10 - Eddie Flemke Jr 41 - Reggie Ruggiero 0 - Nevin George 77 - Doug Coby III 64 - Eric Berndt 13 - Ted Christopher 1 - Rick Fuller 21 - Ken Barry 47 - Jim Storace 5 - Charlie Pasteryak 31 - Tony Ferrante Jr 58 - Kevin Goodale 23 - Gregg Shivers
79 - Mike Christopher 46 - Dick Houlihan 15 - Zach Sylvester 54 - Dave Etheridge 12 - Bo Gunning 99 - Jamie Tomaino 55 - Ken Bouchard 16 - Chris Kopec 35 - Mike Molleur 51 - Kevin Konopka
After the redraw the top five will take the green as follows:
Nevin George
Todd Szegedy
Tony Hirchmann
Donny Lia
Chuck Hossfeld
Stay tuned for the results from the SK Feature, guess they changed the tentative schedule, again!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 14:12, 2005-04-24
-- Edited by bratmaster at 16:56, 2005-04-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Sounds like the first SK feature of the year was a typical one. A wreckfest with approximately only 12 cars left to take the checker. Ted Christopher and James Civali beating and banging for the lead on the last couple of laps! TC emerges victorious and Civali is resigned to a 4th place finish. Of course it didn't end there, Civali, apparently upset with TC, went after him after the checker, no fisticuffs ala' Chris Jones, Civali stayed in his car.
Mkie Holdridge and Lloyd Agor watched from their respective 2nd and 3rd positions.
SK Feature Podium Finish
Ted Christopher
Mike Holdridge
Lloyd Agor
Late Model Division is taking the track now, keep watching for more news or come to the chatroom!
Just a side note>>>>
Civali DQ'd by officials after race for actions deemed detrimental!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:07, 2005-04-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
From the track as the checker dropped, it was Tony Hirschmann taking the win! With Zach Sylvester and Todd Szegedy in the 2nd and 3rd positions respectively. For a full finsih of the Whelen Modified Tour, make sure you go to their official website Modseriesscene.com!
WMT Podium Results:
Tony Hirschmann
Zach Sylvester
Todd Szegedy
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:15, 2005-04-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Apparently, during the NEMA Midget feature a car rode the fence and wrecked pretty horrendously, bringing out the caution. The driver was unhurt, but with the sun going down and the temperature dropping rapidly, the crowds are leaving in droves. With only the Dare feature and the Limited Late Models left to run, and the late hour the fans patience is wearing thin. The NEMA race will resume shortly after all the cars get push started.
Then will be the new LLM division, but there are only 4 Limited Late Model Cars entered to run this feature. They may even cut the laps short as Thompson chose to do with their "new" division.
The Dare Feature will be last.
We will bring the results of these three divisions as they become available.
Remember all the results brought to you here today have been unofficial, until Nascar, SMS, and the appropriate officails deem them so!
Thnaks to everyone who came into the chatroom today and shared enthusiasm, excitement and the love of racing. Thats why we have these chats! It's all about the racing... Couldn't have done it with out all your support, and a special thanks to Peewee who kept us up to date from the WMT!
The Chatroom is now closed, Thanks again everyone!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:45, 2005-04-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!