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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
30-lap Late Model: 1. Bruce Thomas Jr., Groton; 2. Ernie Bertrand, North Branford; 3. Marc Curtis, Worcester, Mass.; 4. Richard Staskowski, Hope Valley, R.I.; 5. Jimmy Rosenfield, Middleboro, Mass.; 6. Mark Hudson, Norton, Mass.; 7. Jeff Smith, Old Lyme; 8. Larry Goss, Windham; 9. Brian Andronaco Jr., Wilton; 10. Tim Jordan, Norwich.
20-lap Street Stock: 1. Al Stone III, New Haven; 2. Ed Puleo, Branford; 3. Walt Hovey Jr., Chaplin; 4. Ronnie Oldham Jr., Old Saybrook; 5. Steve Barrett, Preston; 6. Brandon Plemons, Uncasville; 7. Jonathan Avery, Quaker Hill; 8. Chuck Rogers, Quaker Hill; 9. Jack Aquilina, Oakdale; 10. Ted Dupre, Westbrook.
20-lap Mini Stock: 1. Phil Evans, Uncasville; 2. Greg Moran Sr., Preston; 3. Lou Bellisle III, Lisbon; 4. Danny Field, Deep River; 5. Kyle James, Ashaway, R.I.; 6. Ian Brew, Wood River Junction, R.I.; 7. Randy Churchill Jr., Niantic; 8. Chris Williams, Niantic; 9. Chris Cornell, Old Lyme; 10. Mark Panaroni, Ivoryton.
20-lap Legends: 1. Jay Palmer, Berlin; 2. Shaun Buffington, Plainfield; 3. Mark Bakaj, Lebanon; 4. Tony Flannery, East Hampton; 5. Max Zachem, Preston; 6. Keith Rocco, Wallingford; 7. Justin Rau, Farmington; 8. Giovanni Giarratana, Newington; 9. Paul Kusheba IV, Monroe; 10. Ed Field, Deep River.
25-lap Trucks: 1. Allen Coates, Ledyard; 2. Howard Payne, Shelton; 3. Scott Gregory, Westport; 4. Greg Butler Jr., East Hampton; 5. Mike Anzalone, Griswold; 6. Jonathan Zoller, Ayer, Mass.; 7. Daniel Butler, East Hampton.