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please tell me why asking lame duck chad little to resign .. post gets deleted ?????????????....thats the most valid topic i have seen on these boards so far ?
Why delete a blog that says anything bad about Nascar or Chicken Little?Its simple Nascar probably told them to.It makes them look real bad when fans and Drivers speak up thats why.Just ask Mike Stefanek.If you really think that call during Sundays race wasn't done to send a message you are saddly mistaken.Nascar is really pissed off with the Mods already because their glorified city cabs really put on a lousy show.Then you have Bruton Smith who really likes the tour and even got them a race date at his trackBristol.That really pissed off Nascar even more because they know that Mods at Bristol would be the best race of the year,thus making their Premier division look even worse than they already are.Nascar could't say anything to Smith because they need to keep him happy so they went along with him even though they really didn't want to.Now Nascar has to come up with a plan to make the tour bad.Number 1 attack the car owners and drivers by not marketing the tour ,number two smaller purses by letting tracks lower purses example Stafford s next race and 3 allow Chicken Little to run the Tour the way he does.Little got a call from Nascar telling him Gee whats up you have a 8 time champion shooting his mouth off making us look bad if the opportunity happens to arise bust his nuts a little to send him a message.I listen to my scanner at every race in the past drivers were warned on the next restart not to jump the restart again or they would be sent to the back,not this time Message sent.Evidently maybe Chicken Little or Nascar thinks The post made them look bad and nLaps was told to remove it.I really hope not but if thats the case this post will probably not last long either.But just think about it if is removed then we'll know that Nascar or Chicken Little really runs Making Laps too.
Annons, it was not the topic of the post that got it deleted. It was the use of bad language and direct attacks that ARE NOT TOLERATED AT THIS SITE. I personally find Stafford Motor Speedway to be a PREMIERE facility not a hole. Your problems with Mr. Little need to be directed to him, not this site. You also may want to check your facts before posting, as Mr. Stefanik is a NINE TIME CHAMPION.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Friday 1st of May 2009 10:49:47 AM
Anon's, first off I am the owner of Making Laps and I can tell you with absolute certainty that neither Nascar, or Chad Little have any say whatsoever about what is allowed for content on this forum.
Anyone who has been a member or an anon on this board since its inception know's that we if anything, allow more lee way than most boards but we do have rules an we are dilligent and consistent about enforcing them.
You are allowed to express your opinions here.......but you must do it intelligently and tastefully, not come on here an just post a rambling bash filled rant.
Sorry, it's just not gonna fly here because frankly, it's mine and the moderating staff's sandbox and if you don't like the rules you can take your tonka toy's and go play somewhere else.
Anon's, first off I am the owner of Making Laps and I can tell you with absolute certainty that neither Nascar, or Chad Little have any say whatsoever about what is allowed for content on this forum.
Anyone who has been a member or an anon on this board since its inception know's that we if anything, allow more lee way than most boards but we do have rules an we are dilligent and consistent about enforcing them.
You are allowed to express your opinions here.......but you must do it intelligently and tastefully, not come on here an just post a rambling bash filled rant.
Sorry, it's just not gonna fly here because frankly, it's mine and the moderating staff's sandbox and if you don't like the rules you can take your tonka toy's and go play somewhere else.