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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Ok people, who is going to be the winners in the feature events on Sunday at the Sizzler? (Now remember try not to make it a popularity contest, pick who you think honestly has the best shot at wining) I'll go with:
Mod Tour: Old Blue would definitely be my sentimental favorite, and an awesome story. But this year could be an upset with one of the few WMT guys who chose to get some practice in last week.
SK: TC-not even gonna bother betting against this one
LM: Jay Stuart-or this one for that matter! The #48 is stout and there's few Late Model drivers with the gumption Stuart has, Mike Quintilliano may have the drive, but by the looks of that thing yesterday. he will pop his rivets before 20 laps are complete..
LLM: Won't even hazard a guess!
Dare: Somebody with the last name of Boticello or a cousin of one....
Nema: Whoever only has to get push started once....
Honestly, all in fun. my .02! Just letting out some major frustration over hanging out all day for no reason. It was fairly obvious early this morning the weather was going to just get worse as the day went on. I guess it took all day to come up with that revised schedule...and to choose to can the pit party. I guess when you have the governor appear at your event you can break the "no motors run until afternoon rule". Definitely some politics involved. But with all the changes on the WMT they HAD to qualify somehow...
Thanks for indulging me,
My evil twin the "Bratmistress"
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!