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From the True Value Modified Racing Series website:
2nd Annual Rickys Race to Benefit Davids House:
Claremont, NH - (April 2, 2009) Dennis Fleury,owner of Twin State Speedway, Claremont, NH; Jack Bateman, founder and president of the True Value Modified Racing Series, and New England racing legend Donnie The Golden Jet Miller have jointly announced plans for the second annual Ricky Miller Memorial 100 modified stock car race, Sunday Oct 4.
The fall event, the second of two True Value Modified races at Twin State Speedway in 2009, will benefit Davids House, a home-away-from-home that offers support for families with children receiving treatment through Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitch**** Medical Center, in New Hampshire.
Davids House is the dream of a young boy named David Cyr, who passed away from leukemia in 1984 at the age of five. For three and a half years, David was treated at Mary Hitch**** Memorial Hospital in Hanover, NH. Visiting David during his hospitalizations was easy for his parents who lived only 20 minutes away. But during this time his family met others who didnt have that option; instead they slept in their cars, in the waiting room, or in a chair at bedside to be close to their child.
One week after David passed away, his parents and their friends began raising funds for David's House. The first money was David's own: $300.78 in birthday money and his dad's spare change that David had stashed away throughout the house. Whenever Davids dad asked him what he was saving for, David always replied, "For a special reason, Dad." That special reason has now served over 10,000 families from around the world!
Family spokesman Donnie Miller, with support from family and friends, raised over $15,000 last fall benefitting the Victory Junction Gang Camp. Our family wanted to change it up this year and benefit a local organization. We chose Davids House. Its a wonderful organization that does so much good for kids and their families. I know Ricky would be happy with our choice.
Miller stated that fans will have the opportunity to sponsor race laps and participate in raffles and special drawings. We will be announcing some additional plans in the future, said Miller.
This years race will also honor two popular racers that passed away last season, Donnie Ayer and Kirby Monteith. Ayer served as an honorary starter for last years race, battling cancer. Monteith died a few weeks in advance of the event. Both drivers raced at the Claremont track for years with much success.
We know what their families are going through. We wanted to honor them out of respect for them and their families. Losing a loved one is a tough thing. Last years race helped us so much in dealing with our loss and hopefully this event will help them deal with their loss. said Miller.
Last years race was a very competitive event won by Pennsylvania racer Matt Hirschman.