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Heath Hindman, driving for Chattanooga car owner Rick Coulter, became enraged when he could not win the inaugural Southern Super Stars race at Huntsville Speedway on Sunday. Hindman waited for the leader Jeff Letson to pass him and then stuck Letson in the wall, taking two other cars with him. Letsons car was unable to continue because the fuel cell was crushed, blocking the fuel pick-up. Coulter agreed to cut a check for the damage to the two innocent cars involved.
Hindman ran second to Letson for the first 84 laps of the 100 lap event, even though Letsons car sustained front end damage on a first lap tangle with pole sitter Johnny Brazier. Hindman ran in Letsons tire tracks until he attempted a bump and run entering turn threeon lap 84. Letson was knocked sideways but managed to maintain control while Hindman spun himself out. When the race restarted with Hindman on the rear, Letson quickly overtook him. As Letson moved to put Hindman a lap down Hindman made an intentional move putting Letson into the turn 4 wall collecting Bentley and Belter. Hindmans only comment was "I was mad and he was not going to win".
Racers from Five Flags to The Fairgrounds, when asked about Hindmans behavior, expressed reluctance to race with him, or anyone driving one of Coulters cars.