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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
X Car Feature results (20 laps): 1. Curt D'addario Sr. 2. Brad Voglesong 3. Pete Zaikarite 4. Michael Marvin 5. Steve Violette 6. Dustin Gage 7. David D'Allesandro 8. Nicole Harris 9. Gary Stone Jr. 10. John Bowes 11. Bob Barrie 12. Kim Bickford 13. Arthur Phillips 14. Jeffrey Lee 15. Christopher Garside 16. James Ruddock
Super X Car Feature results (20 laps): 1. Jon Porter 2. John Yagmin 3. Michael Caprio 4. Thomas Messore 5. Dan Moon 6. Steve Larose 7. Roger Cunningham 8. Ray Phillips 9. Christopher Bissell 10. Taylor-Marie Moran 11. Ken Dowling III
Legends Car Feature results (20 laps): 1. Jason Palmer 2. Shaun Buffington 3. Ryan Morgan 4. Dennis Pantani 5. Joe Cipriano 6. Anthony Alcaro 7. Mark Esposito 8. Kevin Nowak 9. Ed Field 10. Max Zachem 11. Art Moran Jr. 12. Adam Gada 13. Peter Portante 14. Michael Blaskey 15. Giovanni Giarratana 16. Kyle Rogers 17. Paul Kusheba IV 18. D.J McGouwan 19. Carl Bohn 20. Carl Blandina 21. David Stanton 22. Tom Gray 23. John Weaver
Truck Feature winner (25 laps): 1. Allen Coates
Allison Legacy North Feature winner (30 laps): 1. Paul Tuthill