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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well, the talk of the local CT racing scene is "THE BIG ONE", or the wreck that occured during the running of the SK Modified feature Saturday night at the Bowl. I personally wasn't in attendance, so I have no opinion on what happened, but we want to know what anyone who was there, view is on what happened ? We want to hear your honest opinions, and feel free to debate, just remember to play nice and keep it civil.
well, i didnt get a good view of it, i was watching our car around 12th, when i saw smoke, looked up and saw one of the monahan's going over the top of someone, and everyone just piled in. luckily we didnt sustain that much damage, only mostly cosmetic, and finish.
I didn't get the best view of it either. I had my face in a video camera and was focused on Ron Yuhas Jr and I just caught the #31 and #51 tangling as I zoomed out and came into the picture and then everyone just pilled on in. Some were saying Shawn #31 hit Rob #51 and Rob spun but some were saying that Rob tryed to block Shawn and spun himself out. I am not totaly sure which one because I was in more of the area of turn number one (a ways past the start/finish line). I reviewed my tape and from what I could get of a clear picture of was kinda leaning towards the theory of Rob coming down. What I saw was Rob's rear was well up the race track already when he (got) spun like as if shawn was down there very low.
Also When they were exiting turn 3 It looked like Shawn was real close to Rob's rear so that kinda leans to the other theory of Rob getting spun..... The of course you have the after math. Aperrently from what I read and what I heard Rob gets confused because of Shawn and Diego's car look a like (because they only have just one diffrence of the number decals are diffrent colors) he slaps Diego. So Diego punches Rob in retailation. Lucky for Rob he Still had his helmet on.
So its up to everyone themselfs to decide what they think. I think the best soluton is just to move on to the next race. The second best would be to buy the Speedbowls copy or view it of the race.(dont know how good of a shot is of it but probably better refresher for every one scine it happend so fast I dont know how people can judge what happend) So in conclution I think we should just call this a racing accident and hope maybe someone will take resonsibility of it.(I am not just saying all this because my driver made it through and won nor that I dislike Janovic or Monaham, this is just my opinion!!!!!)
Ok, I wasn't there....Thank God....so I'm not exactly in the best position to state what happened. I've heard everyone else's versions.
What I wanted to add to this thread, though, was that I was pretty DISGUSTED to hear an advertisement yesterday on WCTY for the 'Bowl where they were promoting that "12 car pile-up"!! Now, I'm willing to bet that all the SK drivers will be getting quite a lecture over at the Handicapper's Booth next Saturday afternoon for this *despicable behavior*.
How the HE** can the management at the 'Bowl promote the incident and then expect the drivers to be more sportsman-like???