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True Value Modified Racing Series Finalizes 16 Race Schedule
Canaan, NH. (February 27, 2009) -- When the 2008 race season ended in October, True Value Modified Racing Series founder Jack Bateman saw plenty of interest in the 2009 schedule from race tracks throughout New England and beyond. Speedway operators in New York and Canada showed interest in the open-wheel modified division but Bateman opted to keep the sixth year series in the New England region for economic reasons. Some speedway owners wanted more dates, some wanted to scale back, and some were
undecided. Final decisions were made and plans are underway for a 16 race schedule.
In the last week, two races were added to the schedule. A second date at Twin State Speedway, Claremont, NH., Friday, June 5, and a weekly date at Thompson, CT., Thursday June 18. Now that we have finalized those two dates, we can move forward, said John Hoyt, Director of Operations.
Hoyt added, We released a tentative schedule early on so that competitors, officials, and fans, would have some idea on what our plans were. We were confident we would be at Thompson but did not know when. That was finalized last week. We also recently reached an agreement with TwinState for a second show there. We wanted to wait for a final decision on Wiscasset. They were on our schedule originally but Doug (White) wanted to hold off for this year. Hopefully well go back in the future, the door has been left open, Hoyt concluded.
This 2009 schedule, by design, was structured to give teams and officials some down time. The series will take two weeks off in June and will have a longer break later in the season. It gives the racer and officials some time with family, a chance to regroup. With Wiscasset off the schedule, we now have almost a six week break. It will give teams an opportunity to gear up for the fall events. It also provides plenty of calendar to reschedule events if needed. said Hoyt.
The first of 16 points races will begin Saturday night, April 25, at Monadnock Speedway, Winchester, NH.