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The 60 car that Hirschman owns is all cheated up. That is the reason he won't run it on the WMT. The shootout and other big races he has won in that car lack a tech team like is on the WMT.
second of all.
Hossfeld is also heavly involved with Troyer an the rumor is his car also is just a little on the iffy side ,and if teched by the NASCAR guys will be found illeagal.
The motor in the 60 was pumped at the north south and came out to a 374 or something like that, so they made matt add weight. I guess RoC rules let you run a big motor at some point.
ok .just won the lottery.what motor combo, would be the best for shoot out- asa races-roc- true value-turkey derby-all star. sure cannot find the rules for roc or tvs
Allright anons, once again we are getting of subject. My point here was that it's hard to believe the driver who's statistics I posted can not land a ride. I was also trying to show how it has become money over talent. Let's try to "stay on track".
Allright anons, once again we are getting of subject. My point here was that it's hard to believe the driver who's statistics I posted can not land a ride. I was also trying to show how it has become money over talent. Let's try to "stay on track".
What you've pointed out is that the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour situation (re: adequate dollars $$$ = ride, talent = too bad you don't have enough $$$) now reflects most every tour on earth, NASCAR or not.
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