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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Just some observations from Friday's practice: From eyewitnesses an estimate of around 100 cars from all divisions were on hand. Most of the heavy hitters in all 4 of the regular divisions were on hand. Stafford SK regular Frank Ruocco was quick, along with Bowl veterans Jeff Pearl and Dennis Gada in the SK division. Rob Janovic and Dennis Charette were also among the faster cars. If anyone else as comments or observations on any division involved in the practice, feel free to post them.
practice went along great. do you know any of the times? the weather was beautiful, great to be back at the track, talking to familiar and new faces. it was my first time at the bowl, and boy am i glad the sk's get the asphalt pits
Unofficial times on the SK'S, (no transponders, hand held stop watch) Frank Ruocco had a few laps in the 14.3 range. Suprisingly, for having basically no laps around the Bowl, Kenny Horton was also really quick. All the top regulars Gada, Pearl, Janovic, Charette were also fast.
Alot of the SK's there were on old tires and shaking the cars down. The Stfford guys were on stickers early in the day. I think alot will change when it gets time to go racing.
Some good points Anon, the Bowl is not generally to kind to outsider's. As DW says, "gotta have that sperience" So things definitley could be different on race day.