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February 2, Brockton, MA--- Brad Leighton of Center Harbor, NH drove to victory as a celebrity driver in the 25th Annual Latchkey Cup race on Saturday afternoon. The event, hosted by the Lakes Region Ice Racing Club, benefits the Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth-Hitch**** Medical Center in New Hampshire. Other celebrity drivers included Dale Shaw, DJ Shaw, both of Conway, NH, Kirk Alexander, Luke Royea, and Peter Jarvis.
Leighton, driver of the #55 Irving Oil racecars on the NASCAR Camping World Series East and American-Canadian Tour, won his feature event behind the wheel of the Tim Chase-owned #10. Leighton edged out DJ Shaw and Jarvis for the win. It was a lot of fun, admitted Leighton. I do this every year, and its a different experience every time! Its great to be able to help out an organization like the Norris Cotton Cancer Center and have fun doing it. Id like to thank the Lakes Region Ice Racing Club for all the hard work they go through to pull this off.