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The #21 Spafco creation with the rounded body. I think Rick Fuller was driving it at the time as Polar was the sponsor-white with green #'s. I remembered it being featured in Stock Car Racing at the time. Nothing else looked like it-as always a beautiful job by Art Barry and the shop. Can't seem to find any pics or I'd post them-anybody?
Does anyone remember Lee Allard's wild creation from back in the late 80's. It was so radical that NASCAR outlawed it. I believe it only ran a few times and was destroyed at Oswego with Mike Stefanik at the helm.
Okay Annon- Good One... if we are gonna start wrecking beautiful machine's ....How about the Dick Armstrong owned -Hop Harrington prepared -Jack Tant powered Big Red #1....that Ray Hendrick cart-wheeled down the Thompson front stretch into the pits. Then the old bastard climbed right out of the crumbled heap and walked away! I remember Richie Evans telling me "I hope I'm that tough when I'm his age!".
Yeah... I was there for that one too - It was not Richie's back-up car it was Ray Allard's 66.... He tangled with Richie in practice - Richie did not budge when Stefanik crowded him and proceeded to do a "Hendrick" encore. Boy was Allard pissed! Remember Richie had let Stefanik drive his back-up before at Thompson... maybe you you had a brain hic-up!
I fogot to give my opinion.....I have to agree with WhelenModifiedTour for the same "sentimental reason"...he's my dad. One change though, I liked the 1940 gold coupe #22 that he ran at Thompson. It was the fastest one he ever built. That was soooo long ago, he had a beer keg as a fuel cell, raced in a t-shirt and jeans and wore indian moccasins for shoes. Man have times changed.
Anyone remember Rick Erlandson's "ahead of its time" #76 Pinto at The Bowl? A beautiful car that met its demise with the back gate opening off of turn two.
That had to be one of the Bowl's worst wrecks!!! That was a nice car... did he ever bring out another car... I'm drawing a blank! One of my favorites was Chargin' Charlie J's radical Chevette bodied #1 in the early 80's. The body had an offset to it, if you remember the right rear shock tower was totally outside the body.
I have to throw this Mod into the mix, even though it is a Dirt Mod. Gary Balough's black #112 "Batmobile" with ground effects he showed up with at Syracuse was absolutely sweet!!! It has changed Dirt mod racing ever since that weekend.
Jim Soucy's black Troyer #17 "Bandit". That tough looking Pinto featured a long sloped nose with a single bar front bumper, gold-leaf numbered ... big block powered early 80's creation ... with Maynard Troyer at the helm.
MY favorite modified is going to be new blue # 3 the boehlers have a bad a$$ ride comming out of their chicken coupe.....just look towards the front of the feild in 09 everyone will be chasing the kid from connecticut
Art Barry's Spearpoint 21, the '84 version... wine colored CD Omni with multi colored stripes. Greg Sacks was at the controls. The car was featured in Stock Car Racing mag.
I have to agree Iwas there and saw with my own eyrs that is one Bad A$$ ride for sure.Lenny would be proud of them but he would say its way to shiney.Old Blue#3 will always be my favorite especially that new on it looks fast just sitting there.A close second would be a maroon Flying 70 driven by Sal Dee at Thompson back in the mid sixtys that was one bad ride too.