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Gilliland out? David Gilliland appears to be the odd man out at Yates Racing, where the team says it will field three cars following its new partnership agreement with Hall of Fame Racing. Along with Paul Menards #98 [which supposedly would get the owners points from the #38] and Bobby Labontes #96, Travis Kvapils #28 team is expected to remain while Gilliland and the #38 appear to be out. I just heard of the thing today, from the Internet, so thats what I assume, Gilliland said Wednesday afternoon. I havent actually had a sit-down with them, but Im still under contract with them through 2009. So were just going to have to work through it, and hopefully, we can get something else going. Gilliland said hes sorting through the contract and seeing what hes able to do and what the next step could be, but he understands that the current economic climate makes it tough. He was a little bit shocked that he is now likely without a ride just a few weeks before the Daytona 500 and the start of the new Sprint Cup season. Its just kind of a bummer that its this late in the [offseason], you know? he said. Well just have to see what we can come up with and see what we can try and do.(SceneDaily)(1-15-2009)