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ACT Invitational Joins a Super September Saturday Line-Up at NHMS
LOUDON, N.H. (January 14, 2009) - New Hampshire Motor Speedway announced today that the inaugural American-Canadian Tour (ACT) Invitational will be run on Saturday, September 19 at approximately 5:30 p.m.
The stars of the ACT and the Canadian Série ACT-Castrol will get their first superspeedway experience after the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour New Hampshire 100 and the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series New Hampshire 200 races.
The ACT Invitational will have a purse of more than $65,000 for invited and approved teams that attend this historic, groundbreaking Late Model stock car racing event.
"This is an incredible day of racing for our fans," said New Hampshire Motor Speedway executive vice-president and general manager Jerry Gappens. "The Invitational is a great addition to our already strong Saturday schedule. I really appreciate NASCAR's Mike Helton and his team for working with us to add this event to an already jam-packed schedule. For my money, this Saturday lineup will feature the most exciting, competitive and diverse day of racing in all of motorsports."
The ACT Invitational race will be a 50-lap all-star event with 36 starters. Each 2009 race winner up to the running of the Invitational on the U.S.-based ACT Late Model Tour and the Québec/Ontario-based Série ACT-Castrol will be awarded a guaranteed starting spot and a $500 bonus for each win contingent upon participation at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway event.
Three non-championship events will also be Invitational qualifying races with a $500 New Hampshire Motor Speedway bonus: the CARQUEST Vermont Governor's Cup 100 at Thunder Road International Speedbowl in Barre, Vt.; the TD Banknorth 250 at Oxford Plains Speedway in Oxford, Maine; and the Coors Light 200 "Showdown at Chaudière" all-star race at Autodrome Chaudière in Vallée-Jonction, Quebec on Saturday, August 29.
Other invitees will be 2009 champions and/or point leaders as of September 17, 2009 on the ACT Late Model Tour and Série ACT-Castrol, as well as at the following ACT-affiliated short tracks: Thunder Road International Speedbowl, Oxford Plains Speedway, Lee USA (Lee, N.H.) Speedway, Twin State Speedway (Claremont, N.H.), White Mountain Motorsports Park (North Woodstock, N.H.), Seekonk Speedway (Seekonk, Mass.), Waterford Speedbowl (Waterford, Conn.), Capital City Speedway (Ottawa, Ont.), and Kawartha Speedway (Peterborough, Ont.). Provisional starting spots will be awarded to fill the field to 36 cars, if needed.
For more information, or to purchase tickets for all of SYLVANIA 300 weekend events including the ACT Invitational, please go online to www.nhms.com or call the speedway Ticket Hotline at (603) 783-4931.