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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Aaron's 312 is ready to roll, and uncharacteristically, only an hour and a half or so after qualifying was over the green for today's Busch race is expected to start. They didn't even need an impound, not much time to make any changes. Jack Rousch's "young gun" in the Busch Series, Carl Edwards went out early and retained a speed almost two miles an hour faster than the outside pole qualifier, JJ Yeley in the Joe Gibbs owned #18. Lots of "Buschwackers" are peppered throughout today's field, including Elliott Sadler, Tony Stewart, Jimmie Johnson, and Jr., looks like we're in for a great one.
The top ten are as follows:
1 60 Carl Edwards* Ford Charter Communications 191.364 28.971 Leader
2 18 J.J. Yeley Chevrolet Vigoro/The Home Depot 189.564 29.246 -0.275
3 248 Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet Lowe's/Kobalt Tools 189.344 29.280 -0.309
4 47 Jon Wood* Ford Clorox/Wisk 189.054 29.325 -0.354
5 2 Clint Bowyer Chevrolet ACDelco 188.706 29.379 -0.408