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Can anyone explain the major difference between these three Super Late Model Series? Are there any major differences? Would it take a driver hours in the shop to turn a car around, besides set up for the track, to race within the different sanctioning bodies? Also, does the ASA Late Models (both the Challenge, North, South vs. the NW, MW, SE) all utilize only crate engines?
They are building the new Shangri-La II near me in upstate NY. It seemed as if a great deal of the Late Model drivers in the area are very excited about the rules even though they do not allow crates. I just wonder if these are then considered super late models or not.
From what I have read, all three divisions allow Crate Engines. The "ACE" Sealed Engine used in the ASA Midwest Series is also legal for CRA super Series Late Models. One BIG difference I noticed was that PASS North Super Late Models use a 600CFM carb as opposed to a 390CFM on the CRA cars. PASS has a 360CI max and CRA a 362. I could not find ACT rules as of yet.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:25, 2009-01-13