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The following comes from Brian Danko's Whelen Modified Tour Report:
WHERE IS NASCAR AND ISC? Looking at the schedule, two big things jumped out at me. One is now that Bruton Smith has three tour races (2 New Hampshire and Bristol) and NASCAR/ISC has one and that is iffy.
ISC is the International Speedway Corporation and is the parent company of NASCAR and the France family is the major stockholder.
Iffy in the sense that Martinsville is an ISC track but they have held modified races long before NASCAR assumed total control of the track.
If NASCAR cares, as they claim each year about their oldest division, where are the NASCAR owned, excuse me, ISC owned tracks such as Richmond, VA. And Watkins Glen, two tracks that the modifieds have raced on in the past. You can't claim that they are vital to you when your own company doesn't schedule races for them.
Great point!! It's sad the difference Nascar charges for our licenses for the Northern Tour compared to the Southern Tour. With the tough economic times happening you would figure that NASCAR would also lower the sanctioning fees for more races oh well.
What do you really expect from NASCAR ie ISC? ISC's expected total revenue for 2008 is a paltry 780-785 millon. For 2009 their projected total revenues are from 745-765 millon. Shezammm - gast a drop off. Why would they then throw a bone to the division which is the foundation to their entity. Remember the title "Private Contractors", thats what we are. We are the WHELEN PRIVATE CONTRACTOR TOUR, not family. You wonder how they (ISC) can claim they are the leading autosports promoter. How can you move foward when you forgot where you left.
I totally 100% agree Annon. NASCAR really needs to remember where they have come from.
But at the same time, fans of the Tour should not go around wearing shirts for any of "The Big Three" at races. Perhaps instead of flying your favorite Cup Series drivers flag on our camper we should fly the Tour's. Maybe we ALL need to promote OUR favorite division more.
This is just MY opinion.
Hey - I know when the NASCAR brass would make their annual trip North at a drivers meeting - to blow their smoke (on how they were doing so much for us) they forgot those figures.