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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Ok lets figure out what teams and drivers will be down for 43rd annual World Series.Here are the definites.. 00 T.C. 2 J.R Bertuccio 9.Eric Beers could be driving the 19 12 Jimmy Blewett...14 Frank Rocco 40 Louie Mechalides 40 Ryan precce...22 Chuck Hossfeld 09 Bobby Grigas...5 Charlie Pasteryak 59 Matt Hirschman 58 Kevin Goodale 50 Erik Goodale 70 Andy Suess 73 Jon Mckenedy 96 Perry fleet..now Part timers and maybes..79 Ronnie Silk 28 Don King?? 7ny Kyle Busch 93 Rowan Pennink 18 Donny Lia he mite be a definite I think this could be the best year yet car count wise..
As of January 2nd the New Smyrna website lists these drivers, (plus TC has confirmed he will be there as well) .
#2 - JR Bertuccio #00 - Ted Christopher #09 - Bobby Grigas III #22 - Chuck Hossfeld #40 - Ryan Preece #50 - Eric Goodale #58 - Kevin Goodale #59 - David Cranmer #79 - Ronnie Silk
I'm not sure if anyone else got confused about Rob Fuller in the #17. I at first though it was Bobby Fuller's son is his car, as he did drive the car when I was part of the crew.
BUT after doing a bit more researching, it appears to be a DIFFERENT Rob Fuller. Here is a link his website:
Ok, after going through his Victory Lane photos, I found a photo that DEFINITELY shows that it IS indeed Bobby Fuller's son. The photo has his uncle Jeff in it.
Ok, after going through his Victory Lane photos, I found a photo that DEFINITELY shows that it IS indeed Bobby Fuller's son. The photo has his uncle Jeff in it.
Yes WMT it is indeed the son of Bobby Fuller.....He is doing very well for himself down there,he is part owner of the 23 cup car also....Scratch 3 cars of the list...9 Eric Beers... 70 Andy Zuess Button...and 93 Rowan Pennink