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Perennial NASCAR trouble maker Robby Gordon appears to have received a knee to the groin prior to Sunday's Busch race. Gordon had to start in the rear due to motor trouble, while Parrot's driver Carl Edwards troubles happened prior to qualifying and apparently were not considered in the actual race lineup. Who's to say if Gordon instigated the attack. He is known to speak his mind....
From an article in NASCAR.com:
"According to witnesses, Parrott approached Gordon before driver introductions and said something to Gordon. As Gordon turned away, Parrott allegedly thrust his knee into Gordon's groin.
Gordon then grabbed Parrott by the neck, but before Gordon could throw a punch, onlookers stepped in. Eventually, the melee was separated, with no apparent injuries."
Nascar officials are investigating. We will have more on this "Mexican Stand-Off"when Nascar completes it's investigation.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:02, 2005-03-06
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Nascar is still "investigating" this little brew ha ha between Gordon and Parrott, but the war of words got even more interesting today as Parrott didnt want to comment much beyond saying, "everyone knows how Robby Gordon is" but was very upset at what he called, a "bold face lie" by the web site Nascar.com, in regards to their story of what happen and went on to say "he will explain his side to Nascar, and then let them explain it to everyone else" Gordons version is that he just made an innocent comment that he thought Parrott's #60 car, "should have had to start in the rear" because of two engine changes and going to a back up car when he was "kneed in the groin" by Parrott. Apparently the #60 cars driver Carl Edwards, was the "peacemaker" separating the two saying all he saw was "Gordon roughing up his crew chief" Gordons most colorful comment on the situation was that Parrott, "likes to fight like a little girl" Stay tuned on this one.....
Nascar announced, that there will be no fines, or punishments handed out to Robby Gordon, or Brad Parrott after last Sundays pre race incident at the Mexico City event.