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Layoffs at the #22? UPDATE: hearing that most of the Bill Davis Racing #22 Cup team shop and engine personnel were laid off this week [been told 40 people PLUS full engine shop].(11-14-2008)
UPDATE: Heading into the final race of the 2008 Sprint Cup season, Bill Davis Racing (BDR) is fully committed to preparing to participate in a full season of competition in Sprint Cup racing in 2009. The search for sponsorship for the BDR Cup program is ongoing. Though, like many of its competitors, the team has been forced to make cutbacks at the High Point, N.C.-based shop in recent weeks, Crew Chief and Competition Director Tommy Baldwin will have a full staff working during the winter months preparing for the start of the 2009 season. We have a busy winter ahead of us, states Baldwin. We have windtunnel and 7 post time scheduled and as much track testing as we can get in before the first of the year due to the new testing policy NASCAR just announced. No doubt these are tough economic times and weve had to make adjustments to our work force like every other team out there, but its still full steam ahead for our Bill Davis Racing Cup team. I know everyone is working hard to make sure we show up in Daytona with everything we need and Im confident were on our way to getting all the pieces put into place to make our program even stronger in the future.(BDR PR)(11-14-2008)