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do i need to say more ? LOL bring back the old point system........ with a 300 point margin like the old days....... at least oyu earned it........... but would it be funny if edwards surpassed jimmie in the points classic style ?
remember in 1986, the late time richmond just about tossed away the 1st half of the year <from feb to june>, then from june to sept he ended up winning 6 races ????? although dale would have won the title this way too..... it just goes to show you that you can be lazy for the 1st 26 races and pull of a rocky type of story in cup racing.... nascared wanted a close title run....... if it was no chase they would have had it this year......
Scott, what about the questional 100 point penalty Edwards was given but they let him keep the win! If not for the -100 pts he would be leading the classic points. Also, he lost the 10 points for the win in the chase. JJ would have to finish like 33rd if theose 10 points were there. Wouldn't it be something if he finishes like 34th and wins.
Anyway JJ and crew have done what they needed to so far with what they were dealt and hats off to them.
i totally forgot about the penilty.......... that would make edwards leader by 56 in the old points system........... i would totally laugh if JJ blows a motor on lap 4 and edwards places 3rd............ and then wins the title....... i wonder how the classic points would look then lol