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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
While I realized that this picture would have many of you dumbfounded, I needed to put it up. Some of you, including myself weren't even born when this car was built. This car actually was built by a team of two drivers who raced around in the late 50's and 60's in Danbury and other tracks. The weekend that this picture was taken this car was headed up to a track in New York, called "Arlington". Maybe flashback or Scott can come up with some details about this track. To be honest I'd never even heard of it before. And also, maybe we can get one or both of the drivers of this car to come and share a bit of it's history with all of us.....
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I dug this up in the archives. Since I was only about a year old when they closed, no wonder I don't remember ever being there. Still looking for more information on the drivers and other pertinent details. Thanks for your patience, I will update soon....
Arlington Speedway - Poughkeepsie (Arlington), NY
(aka: Arlington Raceway and Poughkeepsie Airport Speedway)
1/4-mile dirt oval (8/4/1951 - 9/7/1962)
1/8-mile paved dragstrip (1961)
The speedway was located 1/2 mile north of the Howard Johnson Inn
on Van Wagner Road and now is the site of the WKDP radio station.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Well, after some long stories from our racing curmudgeons, we got some more information on this picture. While the truck and trailer was owned by our own site septagenarian, andymac, the race car was a home-made mount built by the Danbury team of Billy Sunderland and John Meeker. Billy was most known for his record at the Danbury racearena in the Modified #66. Click on the link below for Billy's stats at Danbury, as well as some great shots of quite a few of the cars he competed with at the old Danbury Fairgrounds.