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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Hey Jackie, I know that some people are really dissappointed that the tentative Labor day weekend race "RUMOR" for the WMT has changed from Myrtle Beach to Martinsville. But, we just had a vacation in Myrtle Beach during the Darlington weekend in November, and stayed about one half a mile from Myrtle Beach Speedway. There was some traffic jams, and the locals laughed at us and said this is nothing you should see it in the summer. They said that Labor Day weekend is the busiest weekend down there out of the whole year, and that no one can get fom one end of the city to the other. So maybe it would be a good thing not to have a race that weekend. It certainly is a great place to vacation at that time of year, but if you're not camping in the parking lot, you'll spend lots of time in traffic.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I agree completely. When they said Myrtle Beach on Labor Day I thought they were nuts. I just wish tehy would decide. People do need to make accomadations with their jobs and such and get reservations.. I guess I just hate waiting until the last minute to get things done.
The Whelen Modified Tour will be racing at Martinsville Speedway Labor Day weekend . The race will be a combination race with the new Nascar Southern Modified Tour. This will be the FIRST EVER race under the lights at Martinsville . Qualifying will be Friday night Sept 2nd and the 250 lap feature will be Saturday night Sept 3rd . Some 70 plus cars representing the Northern and Southern Whelen Tours as well as Bowman Grey Stadium are expected . Nascar is also attempting to lure some past modified drivers for this event .