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Miko Salo to NASCAR? UPDATE: not much reported, but during SPEED's broadcast of "The Petit Le Mans" American Le Mans Series Sports car race from Road Atlanta, it was reported that Miko Salo is talking to NASCAR teams about running there in 2009, no series was mentioned [Cup, Nationwide or Trucks].(10-4-2008)
UPDATE: Former Formula One racer Mika Salo is pondering moving to NASCAR and has been in talks with a number teams to try to arrange a first test at the wheel of a stock car. The Finnish driver was in attendance at Lowe's Motor Speedway during the race weekend, as he explores the possibility of making a first approach to NASCAR to evaluate if he would like to commit to it in the future. "I have a little interest, yeah, so just having a look to see if there's any opportunity or anything for me to at least try the thing and know if I like it," Salo told autosport.com while visting the Sprint Cup garage. "I've driven everything else in the world, not NASCAR, so that's why I want to try it." Salo has recently been competing in the American Le Mans series driving a Ferrari 430 GT for Risi Competizione, winning a couple of weeks ago in the Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta. Salo confirmed he has already approached a couple of teams hoping to get an opportunity to drive a stock car for the first time. He said he still hasn't signed a contract for next year - although he expects to do so next week but would like to sample the car first before progressing into further talks with teams. "I've been in contact with a few teams and yeah, there's serious contact," Salo said. "But I'd like to try the car first before I sort of go any further. Just trying to work on a test day for now and see then. I haven't signed anything for next year yet but I will probably next week. Then I'm stuck but maybe next year I can try one." The 41-year-old says he has followed NASCAR more closely since former Formula One colleague Juan Pablo Montoya made the switch two years ago. However, he admits he would like to have a first go on a road course, given that he has never raced on an oval before.(Autosports)(10-15-2008)