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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Modifieds make their appearance for the sixth time on the New Smyrna 1/2 mile asphalt track. The qualifying results are in and even though Donny Lia set fast time, after the redraw, Lia will start 6th, Zach Sylvester will take the green from the pole, Kevin Goodale on the outside pole and Eric Beers will start third.
Of local interest: Ted Christopher will start 4th, while brother Mike will make his first appearance at Speedweeks 2005, in the Brady back-up car #80, in the 13th position. Ed Flemke starts 11th and after the wreck the car suffered last night, and the hard work by the team expects a good showing tonight.
The SK's will also run tonight with Eric Beers on the pole. Steven Reed will start second, and Dave Michel third.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Uneventful race, only caution was Zach spinning by himself. Winner was Kevin Goodale, Teddy second, Eric Beers third, Donny Lia fourth, and Andy Suess fifth.
SK's to follow, News of the Super Late Models later..
Just got back from the track and after two uneventful modified races, the super late models took to the track for a fifty lapper. Concrete Express sponsored driver Louie Mechalides scored his second win of the series and his second fast time award. He led green to checker. Ted Christopher pushed his way up to third place before he was taken out by Trevor Stewart. Louie took over the points lead with two races remaining.