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we have all seen a major black eye in nascar racing.......
ive just had enuff with cup racing, or nascar period accept for the local levels.. and i do beleave that the crowds are fading not because of the economy but for the lack of detail on the rules......... in the post i will tell ya what i feel on the whole aspect on the whole deal........... but before i do, i would like to say im not here to stir the pot, nor bash anyone and take away anything from this board...........
1. i dont beleave the ruling was accerate.... and ill tell you why, 1. if you had the top 2 tier teams battling for the win...... lets just say, the 99 and the 48, either one of them pulling what smith did, we would not be hearing who got screwed..... or he won it hands down or omg he just cheated for that win....... they would have finished 1 and 2... no questions asked........ nascar has lost its thunder and the crowd and ratings prove it, i would have loved smith to win his 1st or maybe last race, who knows , i thought nascar thrives on 1 time winners, instead there keeping this brand very stale........
2. although the rule states going under the yellow line, i can see both sides of this.... yes smith could have been cleared to go back high, within seconds of the block, or he could have dropped low and give a few spots and just let tony run away with it....... smith did what he had ot do to finish where he did, which was infront of tony....... but nascar failed to see it that way...... another thing you have to remind yourself is....... smith could have stayed where he was and hooked tonys left rear...... there for causing the 3rd bigone of the race........
3. i would be shocked not to see dei not protesting the call, but you know without a sponser you dont have a chance..... which sucks because if your a underdawg in cup racing, you cant sit in the same port a john as the chasers.....
4. as i said before...... nascar had lost its thunder and credibilly because of the rules changing by the lead change........ i do suggest to go and watch your local racing over this bcrap because these guys racing for peanuts............. race for the love of the sport.... all of there blood sweat and tears go into this type of racing........ in my 25 years of watching, it had taken me along time to come to this conclusion.......
as i said before........ this post is not a bashing event but a display of major dissapointment in nascar.........