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Hall of Fame Racing, JGR decide to remove Logano from #96: Joey Logano will no longer pilot Hall of Fame Racing's #96 Toyota in 2008, team co-owner Tom Garfinkel told ESPN.com Tuesday. Garfinkel said the decision was mutual between his team and Joe Gibbs Racing, for whom Logano is under a multi-year driving contract. "It's a joint decision," Garfinkel said. "We talked to Gibbs and both decided that, for [Logano's] development and for our team, this the best thing for all of us. The best thing for all of us is for them to focus on Joey's development, and us to focus on our team." Seeking to gain experience in preparation for his 2009 rookie campaign in Gibbs' #20 Toyota, Logano was scheduled to run five of the final 10 races of the current season in the Hall of Fame #96 -- a Gibbs satellite operation. He was to return to the #96 at Lowe's Motor Speedway next week, and also was scheduled to drive for Hall of Fame at Martinsville Speedway and Texas Motor Speedway. Sprint Cup veteran Ken Schrader will drive the #96 at Talladega Superspeedway this weekend, and likely the rest of the season. Joe Gibbs Racing officials were not immediately available for comment.(ESPN.com)(9-30-2008)
Yeah its a shame now a days. There are a lot of talented drivers out there who will never get the breaks they deserve because of the swing toward teenagers.
I haven't been following along but are they going to run him in a Gibbs car? I think conditioning may be a problem and letting him go 500 laps at martinsville and 4-500 miles a few times this year would be helpful, no matter how bad the car is.
The kid is signed, he's driving the 20, he has the sponsor, who the hell cares if he wheels the 96?
He needs seat time in a car compatible to what he will be driving next season in my opinion. I know he is running an ARCA event in GOOD equipment (he has allreqady won his first ever start) and he is running the Truck race at Talladega in the #59.