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Can anyone tell me why dirt racing purses are so much greater than asphalt purses? Not to mention why is it cheaper to attend a dirt race than an asphalt race?
That's a great question for sure, and I would love to see what people think. I had often wondered the same thing myself. I grew up with asphalt Modifieds (even crewing on the Tour) but now live in DIRT country. It does seem ALOT of races pay more, but honestly I see SEVERAL lo cal payouts that really do not compare to some asphalt tracks.
I am not sure if you were talking WEEKLY RACING TRACKS or TOURS.
well lets start with local racing - compare admission prices and purses stafford to lebenon number one division. then compare Mod Tour to the World of outlaws (sprints or late models)
Well, one of the biggest diferences between Lebanon Valley and Stafford is the NASCAR sanctioning. Tracks MUST pay NASCAR to use their name.
And once again with the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, tracks that host events must meet NASCAR's mandated minimum purse. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems that it costs less to host the World of Outlaws.
I have heard in the past that the weekly racing dirt tracks only pay a purse to their headlining divisions (ie big block Mods, 358 Mods) and the Pure Stock, Street Stock, Late Model type divisions race for trophys only.
If that is the case, it sure would make it easier on the promoter to throw up a nice purse only having to pay one or two divs in their weekly show.
I think you might be right on that one Open. also ALOT of the tracks do a 50/50 raffle each week. Half the money to a lucky fan, the other half goes directly to the drivers point fund. I know when the Outlaws run at "The Valley" It's usually around 5 to 6 thousand going into the point fund. I think Stafford and Thompson should look into this. Imagine the money they could pull in on the two day shows alone.
Well if that is the case of only paying the top division then that would be the way to go. if they can get people to run for trophy's then they should be able to do also - waterford is already doing it on wed and they pack the place - now they are trying to do it for all division on sat.
No place allows 50/50 raffles unless you are a for real non-profit. Someone is just looking the other way. We have an attorney general in CT that does his job, there would be arrests and law suits filled on Monday if they tried this on a large enough scale in CT.
There are too many probelms with 50/50 raffles including shady characters, taxes to be paid if the sales are high enough, gambling/bingo/raffle laws and all kinds of stuff.
"3. Who is eligible to conduct a raffle? Raffles may be conducted by "authorized organizations" who have applied for and received a games of chance identification number from the NYS Racing and Wagering Board.
"Authorized organizations" are defined in part to include bona fide religious or charitable organizations, bona fide educational, fraternal or service organizations or bona fide organizations of veterans or volunteer firefighters that operate without profit to their members.
In order for an organization to be eligible for a games of chance identification number, the organization must be domiciled in a municipality that has passed a local games of chance law. It is unlawful to conduct a raffle in a municipality that has not passed a local games of chance law. Furthermore, individuals and commercial businesses are not eligible for games of chance identification numbers and are restricted by law from conducting any type of raffle. "