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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Even though the mods had Sunday night off, some took the time to practice or repair thier cars. Chris Jones found that the radiator cap came loose on the Arbitell 39 SK and practiced to make sure the Pettit power was ok. Jeff Malave was practicing and scaling his car. Donny Lia practiced and also changed a carburator that was giving them problems. Gwen Gammond was having the motor problems fixed on her #11 Major Motion SK. John Jensen has a new motor under the hood and ready to get back to competition. Zach Sylvester and crew pulled the motor on the T.A.S. Country Homes #15. A call back to CT had neighbor John Sanford and Zach's cousin pulling the Billy the Kid motor out of the zew car. His cousin is currently on his way to FLA with the new steam.
The Super Late Model race was an exciting race with only three cautions. Louie Mechalides timed in third fast and started second. T.C. was ninth quick and started there. Louie pressured the leader and almost had a pass made, but heavy lapped traffic due to the 38 car field caused him to lose a spot. David Rogers won, Mike Fritts second, Louie third, and a hard-charging T.C. finished fourth. If T.C. could time trial a little better, watch out!