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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It was a cool night at NSS but the racing was hot. Before the features there were a few stories developing. Zach Sylvester had to change two motors in practice. Gwen Gummond crashed hard when the lower a-frame bolt fell out of the frame. Chris Jones lost the harmonic balancer on his motor when a bolt was not installed in it.
Everyone took time and it was decided due to the good turnout of sk mods to run them separate. Donny Lia set fast time for the tour mods and Chris Jones for the sk's.
I believe twenty three mods took the green in their 25 lap feature. You would have thought it was a 200 lap feature as there were many two car incidents. One of the first involved T.C. He apparently broke a right rear hyme joint racing Eric Beers hard for position. Brooksie seemed to give T.C. ample time to replace the parts and get back on track. Chuch Hossfield appeared to slam the backstretch wall hard, but kept on going. Tim Arre led until Donny Lia powered by him. Kevin Goodale ran suprisingly well. Charlie Pasteryak made heavy contact with the wall in between turns three and four. Jon McKennedy suffered damage to the Bohler 34 and retired the car. Justin Gaydosh suffered heavy damage in another two car accident. With all the cautions almost everyone pitted at one time or another. Tim Arre took new RS tires, but the car was not strong enough to get back to the front. On one of the final cautions, Donny Lia appeared to run out of fuel. He was pushed to pit road but given no time to try to refuel and join the field. At this point, T.C. held off Eric Beers for an improbable win, followed by Tim Arre and Kevin Goodale.
The 15 lap SK race featured fourteen cars and went green to checker. Polesitter and fast timer Chris Jones wired the field with Mike Holdridge and Dave Carpenter in tow. Terry Zaccharias rounded out the top five.
In the super late model race, Travis Kittleson held off Jay Middleton and Justin Drawdy, with Ted Christopher fourth and Lou Mechalides sixth. Great finishes for the northerners who both were forced into the outside wall during the feature!
Some great shots from Friday's Time Trials show the especially beautiful day it was in New Smyrna yesterday for competitors and fans alike. From every report we received the racing was great, a great escape from the winter in New England.
The Modifieds staged for timetrials:
During the Super Late Model Time Trials:
P.S.: Thanks JustMe, I'm sure Chris appreciates it, he knew which Dave, but it was past his bed time when he posted that. Getting the New Jersey guys mixed up is a symptom of being sleep deprived! Or too much partying at the Shark Lounge!!!!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!