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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Here's my recap of the first modified feature. It was great to see Jeff Pearl take down the win in the first feature, as Jeff stated he did not have the best car, but he was sittiing in the best position at the end of the race.... 1st.
In the beginning of the race he fought off challenges from the 57 car, who was trying to drive through him or over him instead of around him. In the end, the 57 ended up destroying Dennis Gada's car. After Mr. Rocco ended up eliminating himself from the feature, next came Doug Coby. Doug showed the same driving skills (drive over you or through you) for the remaining 13 laps.
With 10 to go JP gave up the outsided lane allowing Doug a shot to go around him. Doug finally moved to the outside but was not able to make the pass for the lead. Ron Yuhas was able to drive under Doug, moving Doug back to 3rd.
I don't know where sportsmanship driving has gone. In Rocco's case he was taught from the best, Mr. TC, and has been allowed to drive this way since the beginning of his career. With regard to Mr. Coby, he has been wearing a smile on his face after returning to the Mod Tour and announcing that his #10 car will now be sponsored by Johnson Motorsports and has become very aggressive in his driving style now that someone else is helping to pay the bills.
Mod Feature #2
There was a lot of good racing going on in this feature and in the end, a very deserving, Matt Gallo took home the checkered flag.
Late Model Feature
This is one of the best LM races I have seen this year. Maybe Phil Rondeau should consider going back into retirement. The equipment that he is running is not competitive and Phil seemed to have difficulties picking a lane on the straight aways.
Now we get to the Rocco/Fearn saga...... Let's just say the Rocco car never planned on going over the scales. Would you rather put the blame on the track for not communicating clearly to your driver and car owner that the car had to go over the scales at the end of the race, or take the chance and possibly be labeled a cheater when your car didn't make weight? It has been stated on other websites the Mr. Fearn can be very creative when it comes to the rule book .
Why don't you come on over and visit while you're at the track Saturday? I'd enjoy getting the chance to hear some of your thoughts in person. You seem to be very sharp and have shown some keen insights on the racing at the Bowl.
Scott, I'd like to spend some time chatting with you but I'll be at Oswego Speedway for ROC race this weekend. Next time I get to the Bowl I'll be sure to visit with you. RMF
Sometimes you get what you give and the leader was getting his love back from the 57, not from just that week but all other weeks also. The 57 wrecked probably as a direct result of all the dirt on the tires after being driven into the infield by the leader off of two while trying his best NOT to spin him.
The 10 was sharing the love also while being chopped, blocked and everything but James Bond oil slicked by the leader. What makes this all worse is not one word came over the spotters channel for the leader to pick a lane in both cases but they warned the 10 twice about the bumper. Sorry, that doesn't float. Choices are still made by who is involved and who is not at the speedbowl.
Warren, Thanks for your thoughts, with the top 5 to 7 cars being so equal it becomes difficult to pass someone perfectly clean at times.This causes all the front runners to feel the need to bang the way to the front at times.
Don't get me wrong either, I don't think the leader did anything wrong. I just accept anything short of being flat out spun if we were out front and using the track to keep the lead.
It's short track racing, not Daytona. Sometimes the tower needs to see that. A little use of the horn never hurt anyone.