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Epping, NH(September 15, 2008) --The True Value Modified Racing Series returns to action this Saturday night, Sept 20, at the All-Star Speedway, Epping, NH., and with only four race dates remaining on the schedule, the battle for the series championship is heating up, setting the stage for another close finish for the 2008 title.
In 2006, Dwight Jarvis, Ascutney,VT., and Jimmy Kuhn. Jr., W. Bridgewater, MA., battled down to the wire with Jarvis claiming the championship in the season finale at Lee, NH.
Entering All-Star, here is how the standings play out. Only three points separate leader Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT., and third place driver Mike Holdridge, Madison CT.Sandwiched in the middle is three-time champion and defendingtitlist Kirk Alexander, W. Swanzey, NH., only one point behind Pasteryak and two ahead of Holdridge. Jarvis is currently fourth with Buxton, ME., veteran David Pinkham in the fifth spot.
Alexander, already a three-time winner at All-Star, will drive the Marco Turcotte # 43 in Saturdays 100 lap grind. This point race is fun, its going to be good, said the defending champion, Alexander. Pasteryak will drive his family owned # 15 racer while Holdridge will wheel his # 0 car at the track his boyhood idol Ollie Silva once dominated.
The TVMRS returns to All-Star after a year away from the historic quarter mile facility.
The series competed there in 2004 with Jim Boniface, Winchester, NH., claiming the win.
Three events were staged in 2005 with local favorite, Louie Mechalides, Tyngsboro, MA., capturing one race while Alexander grabbed two. Westbrook, ME., driver Tony Ricci won the 2006 race.
Additional expected entries include Jon McKennedy, Chelmsford, MA., Rookie of the year candidate, Kenny White Jr, Weare, NH., Series founder Jack Bateman, Canaan, NH., Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks, CT., Shelly Perry, Ashaway R.I., Vinnie Annarummo, Swansea, MA., Rob Goodenough and Dale Evonsion, E.Hartland, CT.
12 lap qualifying heats will determine starting positions for the 100 lap green flag feature.
Racing begins at 6 PM. All-Star Speedway is located on Rte 27, Epping, NH.