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Heres a hint to help you guys along. This drivers father was a former NASCAR Modified national champion. Both the driver and his father are New England natives.
Yes Open Wheel it is Bobby Gahan. Bobby was the second driver of this car, the first was "The King", himself Richard Petty. During the mid '80s Russ Conway and a few other area promoters ran a special Race of Champions series. The year this car ran, the races were at Thompson and I believe Star speedways. The participants from Winston Cup were Richard Petty, Buddy Baker and Ronnie Bouchard. This car was built special for Petty to run in these two races. After the series, the car was sold and renumbered, but not repainted. If memory serves me correctly, Bouchard dominated the Thompson race, while mechanical woes sidelined Petty and Baker was victim of a crash. Thompson also ran an open competion modified race on this night. Bob Polvierri rocketed to victory with a little help from a nitros oxide system that had been installed in the #711.